AUGUST 15, 2011

"And of the sons of Issachar were 200 men, they had understanding of the times and knew what Israel ought to do..." 1 Chronicles 12:32

�There is a time and season for everything under the son�He has made everything beautiful in its time�. Ecc. 3

Times and seasons have always been important to the Creator. There is absolutely nothing that happens by chance or coincidence. So exact is the Divine One that even the celestial orbs that move in their cycles can be charted from 25,920 years ago to 25,920 years in the future with complete accuracy for their position. Times and seasons were so important to the Creator that He gave the ancient people called Israel, a highly Prophetic Calendar. This Calendar is heavily encrypted with codes and clues based in Astrology and secrets of agriculture. The encrypted Calendar mainly stretched over a period of 7 months, from Abib/Nisan to Tishri. The focus and hidden mysteries for end-time or new day events are coded into a series of powerful rituals that were held in the 7th month, foreshadowing the 7th millennium that we are entering into.

The Biblical Calendar highlights (7) Feast or Holy days (holidays) summed up in (3) major time periods for a gathering in consciousness during Full Moons and other astronomical events. "Three times a year shall all the males gather before me." Deuteronomy 16:16 The Feast days of this encrypted Calendar, based on the movements of the heavens, are telling and retelling the story of the Plan of the Ages. The ancient codes were acted out in rituals and rehearsals as metaphors or shadows pointing toward the reality of our day and time. Jesus the Christ literally fulfilled the first (4) Spring Festivals (Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits and Pentecost) 2000 years ago and we are about to see the literal fulfillment of the final (3) Fall Festivals. Study Leviticus 23

We are about 1 month and a half from the beginning of the last (3) Fall Feasts starting with what is called by many names Rosh Hashanah, Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah, New Year and Judgment Day � the 5th Feast. (This year it is September 28-30, 2011) Ten days later is the holiest day of all, Yom Kippur or Feast of Atonement � the 6th Feast. (October 7-8, 2011) Then, five days later when the Moon is full, Sun in Libra is Sukkot or Feast of Tabernacles; this festival last for 7-8 days � the 7th Feast of the 7th month. (October 12-20, 2011) The Biblical Calendar is a Lunar-Solar Calendar, therefore, the actual festival or holiday would begin at sunset on the first day of the list of dates above. Also, they do not occur on the same day each year based on our Solar Calendar.

(Many of the events that have been commercialize and expected for 12/21/12 could possibly be occurring this Fall. Nevertheless, 2012 will have celestial and natural events of it's own).


March 3, 2011 we announce that the Kingdom of Uranus was at hand and that Uranus (ouranos) is the Greek word for heaven or sky. When Jesus preached the message, "The Kingdom of heaven (ouranos)is at hand", he was giving us a prophetic astrological clue or code for our day, for those that have eyes to see. We will not go into all of that here, you may study some of the clues from the article: http://www.atam.org/Uranus.html -- In short, He was telling us to watch for the planet Uranus entering a specific Zodiac sign house that would result in a major shift in consciousness on the planet; as well as a time of major destruction on the planet. Also, Uranus the 7th planet is the ruling planet of AQUARIUS, the 7th Zodiac Age we have come to.

With this 2000 year old clue and knowing that the planet Uranus was moving into Aries on March 11, 2011, we were able to prophesy with accuracy the 9.1 Earthquake and Tsunami that devastated Japan and took so many lives 3/11/11 days before it took place. This day was significant in so many ways and we alluded to many in the article, but most importantly, if I can say that; is the cycle of Uranus in Aries. As stated in the article, Uranus will be in Aries for a 7 years cycle, until 2018. The year 2018 will become very significant over the next few years.

EYE see this 7 years cycle as a time between times, an Interval before we actually see the full manifestation of Uranus (Age of Aquarius) - Heaven on Earth. It is a time frame that many may call the Time of Tribulation on the Earth. When Uranus entered into the Zodiac sign house of Aries while the Sun was in Pisces, the energy manifested as Major Earthquakes and Volcanoes erupting-signifying the shaking and crumbling of the 6th Zodiac Age of Pisces and old paradigms. Aries element is Fire, so the planet must go through a period of purification to shine as pure gold. For lack of better expression and the words, EYE am hearing now, it will be like Energetic Accounting, the summing up of frequencies past to produce something totally new. However, this "new" will not manifest immediately; actually it will appear just the opposite to most.

EYE see while the old order of the day is passing away with fervent heat, great noises and shaking, there shall be a New Order emerge out of the ashes and rubble of the old. You are coming to a season of great Death, disaster, and devastation on the planet - but this is also a season of life and great Deliverance. You get to choose the experience mostly based on your perception.

Last year (2010) we were told that the Fall Feast season of 2011 would be a very significant period. Eye was shown a list of dates that major events would be happening on the planet which we finally posted in February 2011 as several of the dates had already been validated. Several months ago I received an email that appeared to be confirming many of our dates for the Fall season that was also backed by scientific data of events in space that may heavily affect Earth. We later checked the dates the Spirit gave us with the high Feast days of the 7th month - Tishri 2011. To our amazement, they were on or just before or after the Holy days. Our Prophetic Shift Dates of Events from September 24-26 (Feast of Trumpets starts September 28) Our dates October 14-16 (Feast of Tabernacles starts October 12-20) �Our dates October 28- 29 and into November-December. See Prophetic Calendar: http://www.atam.org/Shiftdates.html

It is highly possible for us to see some literal fulfillment of Revelation 6:12-17 between September and October of this year. We only know what we have seen, however, some of the available scientific data about celestial bodies; Comets, and Unknown Planets coming into our inner Solar System could fulfill what we have seen and the Revelation 6 prophecy.

�I watched as he (the Lamb) opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.� Revelation 6:12-14

As the Comet and Unknown Planets enter our inner Solar System and align with Earth and other known planets, this will cause a Massive Earthquake and a series of earthquakes that will shake every continent. It will set off major earthquake swarms that will last for months if not years, everything that can be shaken will be shaken. Volcanoes will erupt globally. There will be major Tsunamis and Crustal Displacement, the land mass will began to move Southeastward to the point where the directions will appear to have changed and the seasons changed. Familiar coastal cities and land mass will disappear into the sea, while new land mass of ancient civilizations will emerge from the sea.

There will be an Unusual Solar Eclipse not caused by the Moon, there could be up to 3 days of darkness during this Eclipse, when the Sun appears black. The Moon will turn blood red as it is also eclipsed by unknown celestial bodies. An extended Meteor Shower with asteroids, like the world has never seen will appear as stars falling from the sky, as planet Earth passes through the debris field of the Comet. �Who shall be able to withstand?�


EYE have seen and posted for many years how celestial bodies and mysterious space particles from deep space would interact with the body human and assist with our next phase of evolution. Everything on the planet is accelerating at phenomenal speed, just after the Autumn equinox, events will be happening rapidly all around, do not try to catalog them or go through them; rather allow them to pass through you. Only observe them and see them for what they are.

The electromagnetic frequencies and pull on Earth from the incoming celestial hosts shall interact with and change the electromagnetic field of many on the planet. The change is happening now. Activation, reformatting and upgrading of your DNA to support the divine life in the physical form. You are being �caught up� to a higher frequency, this is your ascension into the 5th dimension, whereas, you will not be greatly impacted by the events manifesting in the outer world. The shattering of the illusion is the revelation of the reality of a new world emerging.

Dreams, visions, intuition and a knowingness will become more intense as we get closer to the 7th month-Tishri. Clear hearing and thoughts materializing in a short time-the realm of what we refer to as the supernatural must become natural and the norm. Let go of the fear and limitation to be caught up into the greater realities of what Is.

Over the next 7 years many will be challenged by the complete collapse of nations, economies, military and infrastructure. During the same time others will be comforted while building a new world based on a new paradigm for the new age (Kingdom Age). It will appear as two worlds existing side by side until the illusion is completely dissolved in 2018. Those whose know their God in an intimate way and operate out of the divine creative power will do exploits.


Just to regress a bit to further understand the significance of Uranus entering Aries and what could happen this Fall season or the near future. We also want to show that the Book of Revelation is a book written in Astrological symbols concealing many meanings. Aries is the Ram in the Zodiac but it signifies Jesus the Lamb (Ram-sacrifice) of God. In the Zodiac image, the Ram has been wounded and appears to be experiencing some suffering. The celestial Prophets (Zodiac signs) were prophesying about Jesus, �He was wounded for our transgression�. Isaiah 53 - But as we look a bit further it encompasses the Lamb Company of tested and tried Overcomers (us). So when you read about the Lamb in Revelation, allow yourself to realize these are also codes for events happening in the Zodiac sign of Aries.

In the book of Revelation, the Apostle John is given a vision of a Scroll that has 7 seals and no one is worthy to open it. He weeps because no one can open it, then one of the Elders told him that the Lion had prevailed to open it - this is an astro-prophetic code hinting at some events happening in the constellation of LEO (the Lion) in our day. (A few clues for those that have eyes to see � LEOnid Elenin, Comet Elenin discovery, Leonids Meteor Shower in November, etc). Revelation 5 - However, we find out in Revelation 6 that it is not the Lion, but actually the Lamb that opens the seals. This was an astro-prophetic clue of an event taking place in ARIES, which was Uranus. �And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seal..� (Apocalyptic events can be lessened; although both Leo and Aries elements are Fire)


Space weather and news have been reporting an increase in Solar Flares coming toward Earth caused by huge magnetic storms on the Sun. Just a few days ago there was a warning that communications could be effected by a recent Solar Flare.

We are in the early stages of Solar Cycle 24 according to most astrophysicists � Solar Minimum. Every 11 years we enter a different cycle. Cycle 24 is the last of the cycles of this Age- most likely becoming Solar Maximum around December 2012 if not sooner.

As the Sun starts to emit stronger X-class Corona Mass Ejections (CME) it will be very important for people to be operating at Beta State where the brain wave activity is resonating at least 12-23 hz and beyond. This is the fully awaken, high alert state. (In other words, stay filled & drunken with the Spirit- filled with a heart of Love) Operating or living at a lower vibratory frequency (Delta, Theta or Alpha brain wave), one will probably be short circuited or fried just as electrically equipment and instruments. You are an electric being. The body human will not be able to sustain the amount of pressure/energy being released from space and the Earth at a lower frequency. ARE YOU AWAKE YET???!! �There will be signs in the Sun�� Matthew 24 Joel 2

"When the first angel blew his trumpet, hail and fire were mixed with blood and thrown on the earth. One-third of the earth was burned up, one-third of the trees was burned up, and all the green grass was burned up." Revelation 8:7

�The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was allowed to scorch people with fire. They were scorched by the fierce heat, and they cursed the name of God who had power over these plagues. They did not repent and give him glory.� Revelation 16:8-9

Many have wondered, how could the about verses be taken literal? Answer. Huge storms on the Sun emitting deathly Solar Flares. This will literally happen during Solar Maximum of Cycle 24.




We give you permission to think without being fearful as we ask some provocative questions. When the eminent Solar Maximum happens and many of Earth�s power grids are destroyed and down for weeks or possibly months-are you spiritually and mentally prepared for such an event? There will be no refrigeration, no electric; for many no heat or air conditioning. Stores are stocked with enough food to last about 3 days, there will be no deliveries. People will be rioting, in a panic, there will be mayhem; especially in the cities. Cell phones and computers will be down, ATM�s will not work, petro stations will be close, and the computer systems in some vehicles will be damaged. Much of the western world will be instantly reduced to a 3rd world type country in many ways for a period of time. What about water? King Solomon said, �Go study the ant and learn her ways of wisdom, see how she prepare for future events.� Proverbs 6:6

Joseph was a prophet, an overcomer, a visionary; he foresaw what was coming upon the land and PREPARED for it. Because of his insight, wisdom and obedience, he saved his family, a nation and his own life. He trusted God but he also understood his miracle and deliverance would come through preparation.

Moses was a prophet, a law-giver. He did not have to prepare, although he would spend 40 years in the desert with more than 2 million people to care for. Through prolonged fasting and meditation, he had ascended to a level of mastery where he could use his creative abilities to speak and water would gush out of a rock. He could command the quails to come and manna fell 6 days a week for 40 years to feed over 2 million people.

Elijah was a prophet. He knew how to listen to Spirit, to know where to go to eat during the famine. He also knew when to move to another place where not only he was supernaturally provided for but also those he stayed with.

Are you called to be a Joseph, Moses or Elijah? In each story of miraculous provision there was no SELFISHNESS. The provision was for others, there was a sense of community. The real test in the days ahead will be to overcome the greedy capitalistic mentality that we (western world) have become programmed with. Many will fall victim to their own fears. Perfect love cast out all fears. "And all that believed were together, and had all things in common; and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.� Acts 2:44

Jesus multiplied 2 fish and 5 loaves to feed 5000 men, not counting women and children. We are on the brink of seeing the gift of miracles and manifestation in operation daily. Know your calling and realize you are called to serve others.


The Book of Revelation speaks about the archangels sounding the 7 Trumpets, and throughout the book there is the emphasis on trumpets announcing plagues or hardships coming upon Earth. Even Apostle Paul speaks about a Trumpet being sounded and heard before we change from mortals to immortals. We know that this is also metaphorically speaking of a great prophetic message of enlightenment that will create a Shift on the planet. But could the Father also be giving us a literal sign today? Is not the Bible and other holy books filled with paranormal phenomenal events that could not be explained?

Recently various places around the world have been reporting of hearing unearthly noises like humming, horns or trumpets. The latest is coming from Kiev, Ukraine � a city of nearly 3 million where the sounds of trumpets have been heard for the past week across the nation. Few seem to venture outside when the sound is heard. Many have become frightened by the sound that�s literally rattling the windows and causes the ground to vibrate. Here is the original video clip; there are spoofs out there, people using this sound on another video for jokes. (We are only providing info-we do not know where the sounds are coming from and seemingly neither does the people of Ukraine).

�Shall the trumpet be blown in the city and the people be not afraid.� Amos 3:6

�Sound intensity was very strong, even windows shivered in buildings . This is very scary, and Bible prophecy is coming the truth (Archangel's horn). It was recorded on 5 floor of building. Civil work are really spent in several the next houses, and it is audible on video. But these civil work - as if a mosquito peep in this awful rumble. Neither force, nor power of a building sound doesn't come within miles that was audible.� (From person recording the video).

ELUL 2011

The sons of Issachar not only knew and had understanding of the times, but also knew what Israel out to do.

August 31, 2011 is the beginning of ELUL, the 6th month on the Encrypted Biblical Calendar. In Hebrew Elul means, Nothingness, Good for Nothing; Gleaning. In Aramaic it means, Searching. Take notice of the number 6, which is the number of man being creating on the 6th day, lacking awareness of perfection (7). As long as he does not know who he is, he is destined to face the judgment/correction of the 7th month, Tishri. �Vanity of vanities,.. all is emptiness.� Ecc.12:8 The 7th month begins the last 3 Feast days that we mention at the beginning of this publication. The first of the (3) Feast is called Rosh Hashanah, New Year, Trumpets or Judgment day.

Elul is the month of Return, Repentance, and Forgiveness. It is a month of intense introspection, defining goals, and getting closer to God. "Be still and know that I AM God".

In Hebrew thinking, it is the preparation month for Judgment Day. The Shofar (trumpet) is blown each day throughout Elul to remind the people to return to God. Could the mysterious trumpet sounds in Ukraine be a call for humanity to return to God, to go within?

There�s a lot of history and symbols tied to Elul that we will not go into here. However, I would like to end on this thought and ancient custom of Elul. Elul symbolized a �set time� that God descends to inspect, and examine every person�s heart more closely. It was and yet is believed that God is closest during this 30 day period. The first 30 days would determine what decisions (judgments) would be made on Tishri 1 (Feast of Trumpet-Rosh Hashanah- Judgment Day) This year Tishri 1 = September 28-30, 2011. (No man knows the exact day or hour).

The ancient Semitic Kings would actually demonstrate this by getting off the throne, leaving the palace and walking among the peasants during the month of Elul. They would listen to the request of the people to determine what should be done in the New Year (Rosh Hashanah) Tishri 1.

Elul falls in the 6th Zodiac sign, the Virgin (Virgo). This symbolizes the Bride making herself ready for the Feast of Tabernacles (Marriage Supper) of the 7th month - Libra, the Scales.


About 15 days from now is the month ELUL. Remember to align yourself with the heavens and God�s encrypted Calendar � August 31, 2011 � Go within and seek God as never before for the following 30 days. (we are not saying to only do these things beginning August 31-but especially) Get off of your throne, humble yourself and be the priest or priestess that you are. Take the focus off of your needs and wants; find others to help. Listen to others, feel them. Donate to the great need in Somalia if possible or some other crisis. Allow your heart to be filled with Love and Compassion.

For nearly 3000 years Psalms 27 has been read morning and evening starting Elul 1 for 30 days. The emphasis is on verses 4-5. �One thing have I desired of the Lord, and that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty, and inquire in his temple. For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion; in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock. �

Join the millions worldwide in consciousness from August 31- September 30, 2011 in prayer and meditation of Psalms 27 to be hid in Him. Although the spirit of prophecy and scientific data may agree for upcoming extreme events between the end of September-November, prophecy can fail or be postponed by a shift in human consciousness. Do not allow fear to be a motivation for anything you do, love must be the motivation. Psalms 91

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Age To Age Ministries Int'l

P O Box 42383

Phoenix, AZ 85080