APRIL 9, 2013

Looking out at the evening sky tonight, the heavens again are declaring that the everlasting Kingdom of God yet rules over the affairs of humans. Over the next two nights high in the sky to the south around mid-evening - To the upper left of the constellation Leo the Lion are dozens of very faint stars. This is an ancient star cluster constellation called Berenice's Hair, the contemporary name is Coma Berenice's.

It is located just above Virgo the Virgin, near the end of the tail of Leo the Lion and once was considered a part of Leo. This is the place where the end becomes the beginning and the beginning becomes the end. It is the start of the celestial zodiac circle that defines Creator God, if He can be defined. He is the Circle, the Zodiac wheel or wheel within a wheel, never ending and never beginning.


Although this star constellation existed long before the myth, it is the Egyptian history that was later considered myth that made it popular. Berenice II Queen of Egypt, the wife of Ptolemy Soter III was famous for her long beautiful curly hair. Her husband was out at war and had not returned home. Queen Berenice II was worried that he might not return home. She consulted with Conon, the royal Oracle (prophet/astrologer) and asked what should she do. He advised her to make a sacrifice to the goddess Aphrodite (love/beauty) for the safe return of her husband. He told her it had to be a real sacrifice, something that was most precious to her. It was her beautiful curly tresses she would cut off.

Berenice obeyed and Conon laid the beautiful curly hair of Berenice on the altar before the gods until Ptolemy returned safely. Ptolemy returned with the victory and safe, but was heart-broken to see his beautiful wife without her famous curly locks. He rushed to the temple to see the hair lying on the altar and was even more shocked. Berenice hair was gone. The temple priests were expected to guard the hair from thieves, but had not. Ptolemy was furious and was about the order the killing of all the temple priests, including the royal Oracle, Conon.

Because of the quick thinking and inspiration of Conon the royal astrologer/prophet, his life and the lives of all the priests were saved. He told Ptolemy to wait until the sun goes down. When it was dark, Conon pointed to a faint star cluster near Coma (the woman with child). This constellations also seems to appear over the head of Virgo the Virgin as a crown of 12 stars. (Revelation 12) Conon said, "There is Berenice's hair, the goddess Aphrodite accepted the sacrifice and immortalized Queen Berenice's curly hair in the heavens." King Ptolemy rage was abated and he spared the lives of the Oracle and temple priests. In Arabic this constellation is called Al Ḍafīrah the Curls.

The word Berenice, sometimes Beronice, is from Bernikhe the Macedonian form of the purer Greek pherenike, Victory-bearing (the phere- 'to bear', -nike 'victory').


As we often teach, for each constellation or myth, there is a Biblical parallel. Queen Bernice, of the New Testament, is the name of the notorious daughter and wife of the Agrippas. Jewish Queen Bernice of Acts 25-26, was beautiful and no doubt known for her beautiful curly hair. She had a bunch of failed marriages, some to cover her incestuous relationship with her brother King Agrippa II. After husband and uncle King Herod of Chalcis died, she married King Polemon II before deserting him and returning to live with her brother King Agrippa II. I suppose this first century drama could be called "All In the Family" or "It's A Family Affair". This family was highly dysfunctional and had serious issues. Decades earlier, John the Baptist had address the issue of another family member Herod, for marrying his brothers wife. John the Baptist lost his head for doing so.

Notice Queen Berenice in the Egyptian history and mythology was married to King Ptolemy III and Jewish Queen Berenice or Bernice in the Bible married for a short time King Polemon II. Both Queens are brought before an Oracle - spokesman for God. The Queen of Egypt Berenice II seems to be a decent woman, she obeys the word of the Lord, her prayers are answered and she lives in victory. Jewish Queen Berenice in the New Testament, less than decent, she disregards the testimony of Apostle Paul.

According to history, Berenice became the mistress of Titus the Roman general that destroyed Jerusalem. She was victorious in knowing how to sleep her way to the top, and by marrying powerful men. She became known as the most obscure queen of Jewish history, due to her immorality and many marriages.


The heavens are declaring that the Kingdoms of God rules over the affairs of men. Coma Berenice or Berenice Hair can be seen with the naked eye from April 9-11. In the ancient times this constellation or cluster of stars was seen as 12 bright stars, although there are more that 12 than make us the cluster. 12 is the number that represent Cosmic, Universal and Divine Government and Order. They are the Crown of 12 Stars over the head of Virgo/Pregnant Virgin of Revelation 12.

Eye see the heavens are shouting to us over the next 3 days that VICTORY is Coming. The warfare has been long and caused much distress, and doubt; but Victory is coming and is here. The news of soon victory will be announced. The sacrifices, giving, prayers, obedience and patience will be rewarded. Victory is in the air and will be manifested. Hope deferred will be turned into joy as desires are fulfilled. Victory is coming! Berenice Hair is announcing it with Leo the conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah. The Lion has prevailed. We are not giving a specific date for a release, we are only interpreting the language of the heavens.


We are coming up to some very important Watch Date & Shift Dates. There will be many dynamics happening on the planet during this 1st phase of Watch Dates. This will involve Finances, Economy and events that will affect the planet. This will also manifest as strange weather patterns (rain/snow/hail). There will also be a lot of religious and political maneuvering behind the scenes that wont be fully realized until September - October 2013.

April 12, 2013 - Sun in Aries, Jupiter will be in Taurus - the Pleiades (7 doves-7 spirits) will be visible above the New Moon slightly to the right. Taurus is the house of Finance, Money and it will become energize by giant Jupiter the celestial God of gods, Father of outpouring, Blessings and Abundance.

As we learn the ordinance of the heavens and how they (the celestial prophets and governors) control the affairs of men, we also learn to "know when to sow". Release what's in your hand and what you have control of and the Universe will release into your hand what it controls. Do this between April 12-17, 2013. Name your harvest, see it and expect a rapid harvest; the energy is there for quick return. ** Watch what happens in the Stock Market during these dates - April 13-15,** the energy is highest. The world economy will reflect this. (We do not give financial advice, we only read the energy of the heavens)

Another Record Close for Dow and S&P 500 By Emily Jane Fox @CNNMoneyInvest April 11, 2013: 4:25 PM ET




April 13, 2013 Jupiter and the waxing crescent Moon will be in Taurus, with the Red Eye of the Bull (Taurus) - giant star named Aldebaran, westward to the left of the Moon and Jupiter. The waxing Crescent Moon will start to turn red over the next few nights as it moves through Taurus.

Taurus is the house of Finances, but it is also the a sign of judgement or the fruit of choices that have been made. We are entering a time of paradoxes, do not become confuse, focus on the coming Victory - Berenice's Hair.

April 14, 2013 Jupiter, Moon and Aldebaran are coming closer, the energy is intensifying. The Sun is in Aries (Mars) and there will be a spike of violent deaths, war, murder over the next several days; unless you assist in changing it.



Don't fret, just above the waxing Moon is Auriga, the Shepherd constellation with Capella, the she goat shinning bright. This is a reminder of that LORD is your Shepherd and the atoning sacrifice was sufficient. He is watching. You shall not want (lack).

At the same time of many other things are going on which could be distraction - the energy to create wealth, ideas, investments, cashing out, moving money, release of settlements, positive financial verdicts/judgements, business ideas and securing major controls is peaking - Also optimum time to sow, give, donate - reach out to others - reap your harvest.

April 15, 2013 - The waxing Moon is moving out of Taurus tonight and away from Jupiter, the god of Abundance that yet remains in the house of Finance, near the Bull's Eye. Can you see the plan of God for your life? Can you see your way into unlimited wealth. Aldebaran, the giant red star, the Eye of the Bull tells us we must have spiritual insight, become visionaries. What you see is what you get.

April 16, 2013 - The waxing Moon is now entering GEMINI (duality, paradoxes, double-portion - you choose which you desire to experience). Jupiter is now closer to Aldebaran in Taurus.

At this point, we should be able to See (Aldebaran) some major signs of Financial Victory. Joseph should be able to see and be finding his way out of the dungeon prison house. The house of Joseph was assigned to the zodiac sign of Taurus- his sons Manasseh and Ephraim represents the two horns of Taurus. Deuteronomy 33:13-17

April 16, is ex-Pope Benedict birthday. There will be a lot of activity on the planet. Here is an excerpt from a prophetic writing in December 2012:


Paolo Gabriele the Butler was Pardoned December 22, 2012 - (Winter Solstice) - Moon in GEMINI (2 months 16 days after sentenced - 77 days as Ray pointed out) - 2 months and 16 days commuted to 18 months sentenced --- - DID YOU CATCH THAT?! We are looking for 2 years. Joseph remained in the dungeon prophesying and preparing for 2 years after the Butler was Pardoned by Pharaoh. So we are looking for 2 years.

Paolo Gabriele served 2 months after sentencing of 18 months, and was pardoned. It was like time was commuted. 2 months became 18 months. (We have been talking about time being accelerated. Jesus said the days would be shortened). We are trying to get the Joseph Company to the palace to distribute the Wealth and save the world. 18 months plus 115 days (3 months 25 days) is 21 months and 25 days; almost 2 years.

Where did we get the 115 days (3 months and 25 days)? The Pope's birthday is April 16, 115 days from the time of pardon (December 22). Remember, there must be a "King" or king figure; and the King must have a dream. The scripture says it had to be 2 full years - Genesis 41 However, if we added the 4 months 13 days of arrest awaiting sentencing - we would have 26 months and about 8 days. That would be in the 2 full years range and beyond. MYSTERY OF THE POPE & THE BUTLER

Our next major Watch Date is April 16, 2013 for something to be said or done- the Moon will be in Gemini, as it was December 22, 2012 when the Butler - Paolo Gabriele was pardoned.


The energy is very complicated during the days following April 19 that will manifest through April 30, 2013. This energy will be building. As stated in our Year of the Black Snake - Part 2 Prophetic Publication- April 20-25 - The potential for MAJOR EARTH CHANGES manifesting through Natural Disaster and Man-made are high - with great loss of life. April 26-30 the planet is Most Vulnerable for major events - that could do the most damage - Maximum Impact. This includes what can be called "terrorist attacks" and "major Air Disasters."

Those of you that understand the power of power, intercession, group consciousness ability to change events or whatever you want to call it - begin to speak, think and uncreate the energy that Eye see growing. This energy has the ability to produce Earthquakes over 8 points on the Richter scale, Tsunamis similar to Fukushima, and Multiple simultaneous Volcanoes eruptions.

Eye am sensing a major Solar Flare to possibly precede or somehow trigger events. This Solar and "other Space events" will take place during the Watch Dates or immediately before - (April 20-30).

Prophecy is not to just show us what the future holds, but to show us so we can possibly change it or lessen the impact. Will you help Change This?! The everlasting Kingdom of God yet rules over the affairs of men and we have been given the privilege to rule and reign with Him.


Coming School of Prophets - San Diego, CA area. This will be a high energy experience with extreme prophetic worship; incorporating professional Ballet Dancers - commanded to prophecy in dance, Native American Drumming (prophesying on the sacred drum), Latin, Hip Hop, Rap, and Classical artists prophesying in song and on the instruments. We expect extreme Teaching/Preaching of the Word, with prophetic signs following. Get info here:


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