JUNE 15, 2012

Early Thursday morning June 14, I was awaken and could not get back to sleep. The energy was so strong and present all throughout the day. Could you feel it??! Jupiter, Venus and the Pleiades were moving into position for the next phase of our DNA Overwrite and Abundance. June 14-17, 2012 exciting days.


In our message DNA Overwrite posted under Current Publications on June 12, 2012 -we gave a few prophetic signs that EYE saw would manifest to confirm the Word. The Father is so faithful to watch over His word to perform it. Why is this important? Apostle Paul said it this way, "The Kingdom of God is not in word only, but in power (demonstration)." "My speech and preaching were not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of Spirit and power; That you faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 Here is an excerpt of what Eye saw:

"WATCH THE MARKETS - June 13-15, 2012. There should be some excitement and even in the European and Asian Markets over the weekend...JUNE 14-16 The energy is highest for activating the heavens by sowing seed to receive an abundant harvest. Know when to sow."

VALIDATION - - The STOCK MARKET rallied JUNE 14, 2012. It closed at 12,652. It went up 155.53 Points. The Nasdaq went up 17.72 points. The S&P 500 went up 14.22 points. MARKET WATCH

(We wont get into the gematria or numerology of today's numbers, we don't have time, but they are highly prophetic).

This validation is yet another prophetic sign, as we have given over the many years to "know when to sow" and to validate the accuracy of the message the Spirit is speaking.

Each planetary alignment, conjunct etc act as portals. When we learn to flow with the movements of the heavens, the heavens must respond. The prophetic sons of Issachar knew the times and seasons and what to do to release the blessings on the ancient house of Israel. 1 Chronicles 12:32

Are you aware that no important laws or bills are passed, and no important documents are signed randomly? No major financial decisions made by the wise randomly. Your signature flows as an energetic current when you write it, creating literal currency. You purchase nothing without your signature having been given (bank card, credit card, check, car purchase, home, electronic, appliance etc). It unlocks or locks events that have not yet manifested. Signatures written, documents signed, investments made, money donated or spent; is all energy attaching itself to other energies released at specific times, based on the movements of the heavens. When we cooperate with the heavens during high energy periods, the future manifestations are more powerful.

Several weeks ago, a friend of mine and I had compared what was revealed about June 14-17 as pertaining to the Stock Market and reading the signs in the heavens. We knew that it was a financial astro period for sowing and reaping. What was it that caused the Markets to rally June 14, 2012, although Eye knew this sometime before? Some people called, "the powers that be" leaked a rumor at a specific time on a specific day, when Jupiter and Venus is aligned (many other astro events also). They fully understand how to use the planetary prophets to manipulate the Markets, increase their abundance and benefit others. The rumors they leaked today caused investors to release currency (invest). Within 9 minutes the DOW jumped 117 points. The rumors was that the Central Banks of Europe were ready to inject more liquidity into Greece, if the election wreck havoc. Based on a rumor, not fact or promise - people acted in faith - and caused the Market to rally. The heavens declared blessing, so it had to happen; whether it was rumor, lies or truth. The heavens only recognize faith.


This is where the prophetic science of predicting space weather and having the ability to release space events on demand gets weird for some people. Eye have no doubt that mysterious space particles from deep within the Sun, Galactic Center and Planetary Alignments are assisting with our evolution/ascension/change. This was revealed to me many years ago and we have demonstrated this many times. Mystery particles? I call them "mystery particles" because Eye saw it years ago as data and did not have a word to describe it. About 5 months later after writing about it, scientists confirmed it and they used the exact phrase "mystery particles" because it was totally unknown to them. However, they did agree that the mystery particles coming from space could keep matter from decaying. ARE YOU AWAKE YET??!!

You are matter. We are created from a higher dust, star dust. We all are star-seed. Therefore, it will take star dust (plasma, gamma rays, photons, mysterious particles filled with data) from the outside to overwrite and activate what is dormant inside, so the two may become one. You may call it the Holy Ghost, Spirit or Energy; it's all the same manifestation.

And he said, "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death..." Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom]." Gospel of Thomas Chapter 1:1, 22 (Read that again and take a Praise Break - some of you know what that means).

On June 12, 2012, in that same message, (DNA Overwrite), we gave another prophetic sign to confirm the word. Here's another excerpt:

"Eye expect a Solar Flare to be release just before or during this 4 day DNA Overwrite, to assist with and accelerate the deep work being done."

The following day, June 13 - God validates His word.


The day of this writing (June 14, 2012) God does it again. A rare 2 days in a row Corona Mass Ejection - Solar Storm and Solar Flare. A direct hit to Earth on June 16. Thank God it is only a M-class. If it was a high X-class, most that's not operating on a higher frequency would be fried-toast.


There is an awesome work taking place in you, although, you might not be able to see it fully yet. The Solar System has been summoned to assist you in making this subtle tranceformation from glory to Glory. If it happened all at once, the body human would not be able to survive. Absorb the rays, photons and mystery particles from June 14-17 - Remain on the LOVE frequency and know when to sow.

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