MAY 20, 2013

The Sun is quickly moving towards the house of Gemini, the 21st it will have arrived. Another portal opens as the Sun rejoices in the house of Gemini the Twins. "Benjamin is a ravenous Wolf; in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil." Genesis 49:27 Will Sirius, the Wolf-dog star of Gemini howl?

The prophetic sons of Issachar knew and understood the times and seasons, they had prophetic insight and knew what the nation of Israel should do. Since early April, we have been warning of and mentioning in our prophetic blogs, "Other Space Events" that would be manifesting. Also, we have been announcing this "complex energy" that has the potential to create great loss of life. Our intent for mentioning this again is to continue to create meditation/intercession that could serve as a buffer or dismantle this mass of complex energy.

We are quickly approaching High Alert Watch Dates - May 24-29, 2013. The "Other Space Events" are manifesting NOW. Fire is seen in the sky, (4) Fireballs, Meteors are being seen over the nation within 24 hrs. They have discovered a larges Asteroid, almost 2 miles long will have a Close Encounter with Earth by May 31. They have even gone so far as to tell us to "Stock Up Just In Case..."

"In the last 24 hours the AMS has received confirmed reports about 4 unique fireball events all occurring near 4:00 AM UTC time. The most recent event occurred in Arkansas and Missouri on May 19th near 3:37 UTC. At the same time 3:37 UTC 4 witnesses reported a fireball in Arizona. The distance between these two locations would inhibit witnesses from observing the same fireball from both locations. On May 18th two large fireball meteors were also spotted within an hour of each other, one over the central east coast and another in Colorado. Below is a table of the events in question."



On May 16 Spirit said, "We are now moving into another more intense cycle of "weird & extreme weather". This will be accompanied with an increase of more large sea animals beaching themselves, massive fish kill...". HERE COMES THE SUN

We are seeing this manifest now in the form of the recent (5/18/13) and ongoing Volcanic eruptions in Alaska, Mexico and 4 more in the Kamchatka region. A Meteor slammed into the Moon, caused explosion visible to the naked eye on Earth- May 18, 2013. 22 Tornadoes between Nebraska and Kansas-May 19, 2013. 600 dead animals litter the beach in Chile.... etc. etc.


MAY 30, 2013 - THE CROW/RAVEN RISES. Corvus the Crow, one of the sub-constellation of LEO will be seen just below Saturn and SPICA in Virgo, in the South evening sky.

The way Eye read this sign prophetically, in relationship to space energy affecting Earth's weather - Corvus is associated with Water Events - (floods, rain, storms, high waves, tsunami). Water events can be caused by many things. Corvus is also associated with Lack of Water Events (thirst, supply cut off, contamination-Displacement). The planet is most vulnerable to this energy from May 28 - June 2, 2013.

The Crow or Raven in some cultures, is rising. The Raven is the largest member of the Crow family. In the heavens, the Crow is on the back of the HYDRA, the large Water Serpent. Corvus is pecking at the Sea Serpent-the Bible refers to this constellation as "the old serpent" that deceives the world and will be destroyed.

Behold, Eye show you a mystery. Was it not the Raven sent out of the Ark of Noah, after a Water Event-Flood, cause by Earthquake, Tsunami, and Rain? The Raven went back and forth, until the waters were dried up.

Did not the Ravens feed Prophet Elijah, who was Displaced and Thirsty by the brook Cherith, which dried up?

The Crow/Raven Rise is telling us to Prepare, Be Aware and Not To Fear. It is a sign of coming disasters involving Water Events. We are yet not seeing a Global Event of all coastlines disappearing soon. However, we do see Water Events that will affect parts our nation, structure damage, displacement, etc.

Eye also see with this particular rising of Corvus the Crow - it is a sign of Elijah. God will supernaturally provide for his servants the prophets. If you have the testimony of Jesus, you have the spirit of prophecy. Expect Divine Pro-Vision for the vision He has given you. Expect God, Father, the Universe to use every means necessary to assist you with fulfilling your destiny. Expect resources and blessing to come from sources some would deem unclean or secular.


The signs are repeating themselves - this is the Year of the Black Water Snake. Since January we have posted of the coming Water Events for this year. we have seen the prelude for this played out already as Snow, rain, and some flooding. Also, in 2012, we announced Neptune Rising and the Water Events that would be created until the Year 2025 NEPTUNE RISING.

As a prophetic voice to this planet and beyond, Eye can tell you what Eye see, hear, feel or know. However, those who have ears to hear can choose to change or lessen the impact of what shall be. Prayer, Intercession, Meditation and releasing of prophetic decrees are age old methods for changing ourselves and our reality.

Whether, you are aware of it or not, you also have the ability to divert events into alternate realities that exist on higher vibratory frequencies around you. Thus, preventing them from manifesting in this, your conscious reality here. However, you are yet affected in that alternate reality, even though your conscious self, or this version of you appears to not be affected. We do not recommend this to be done frequently. The universal law of sowing and reaping (karma) also applies to alternate realities. Other versions of us might learn to do the same thing - diverting events into this reality. This could lead to another form of warfare and battling other versions of ourselves in alternate realities.

Walk softly, listen from within and continue to release His Love to all creation.

How amazingly unusual is this? A Blood Red Water Fall. BLOOD FALLS - BLOOD RED WATER FALL

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Phoenix, Arizona 85080


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