JULY 4, 2012

{Sun celebration - A big Solar Flare, nearly X-class Solar eruption on the Sun on July 2, 2012. Plasma waves filled with particles from deep within the Sun and other mysterious space particles should be hitting our atmosphere July 4, 2012. Absorb it}.

There's been a lot in the news from the science community about the possible finding of the "God Particle" that has eluded them for 40 years. Could it be that they have found the particle that Creator God used to create all that we see and can not see with? And if they have, what does it mean? Whose hands will this great power fall into and what will they do with it? Before we try to answer some of these questions and show you a mystery of this being a power prophetic sign, let's find out what the God particle really is.

Question: "What is the God particle?"

Answer: The "God particle" is the nickname of a subatomic particle called the Higgs boson. In layman's terms, different subatomic particles are responsible for giving matter different properties. One of the most mysterious and important properties is mass. Some particles, like protons and neutrons, have mass. Others, like photons, do not. The Higgs boson, or "God particle," is believed to be the particle which gives mass to matter. The "God particle" nickname grew out of the long, drawn-out struggles of physicists to find this elusive piece of the cosmic puzzle. What follows is a very brief, very simplified explanation of how the Higgs boson fits into modern physics, and how science is attempting to study it.

The "standard model" of particle physics is a system that attempts to describe the forces, components, and reactions of the basic particles that make up matter. It not only deals with atoms and their components, but the pieces that compose some subatomic particles. This model does have some major gaps, including gravity, and some experimental contradictions. The standard model is still a very good method of understanding particle physics, and it continues to improve. The model predicts that there are certain elementary particles even smaller than protons and neutrons. As of the date of this writing, the only particle predicted by the model which has not been experimentally verified is the "Higgs boson," jokingly referred to as the "God particle."

Each of the subatomic particles contributes to the forces that cause all matter interactions. One of the most important, but least understood, aspects of matter is mass. Science is not entirely sure why some particles seem mass-less, like photons, and others are "massive." The standard model predicts that there is an elementary particle, the Higgs boson, which would produce the effect of mass. Confirmation of the Higgs boson would be a major milestone in our understanding of physics.

The "God particle" nickname actually arose when the book The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question? by Leon Lederman was published. Since then, it's taken on a life of its own, in part because of the monumental questions about matter that the God particle might be able to answer. The man who first proposed the Higgs boson's existence, Peter Higgs, isn't all that amused by the nickname "God particle," as he's an avowed atheist. All the same, there isn't really any religious intention behind the nickname.

Currently, efforts are under way to confirm the Higgs boson using the Large Hadron Collider, a particle accelerator in Switzerland, which should be able to confirm or refute the existence of the God particle. As with any scientific discovery, God's amazing creation becomes more and more impressive as we learn more about it. Either result- that the Higgs boson exists, or does not exist represents a step forward in human knowledge and another step forward in our appreciation of God's awe-inspiring universe. (wiki)

"For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible . . . all things were created by him and for him." (Colossians 1:16)

The science theorists suggest that there may be something permeating the universe that gives substance to All things and finding the God Particle would prove it. Thank God, we know who that "Something" is.

We are excited about this find of the God Particle, which is expected to be confirm later today. However, there are some other things related to this find and it being announced at this time. Whether or not they did find it, this announcement is significant. Eye see this as a prophetic sign for a soon coming major event that will capture the attention of the whole world.

Since late 2009, we have been publicly prophesying the soon coming fall of the Catholic Church and the removal of the current Pope. When I read about the God Particle possibly being found, the Holy Spirit immediately brought my mind to scenes from a movie I watched in 2009. We want to share a scene with you to help you see the prophetic picture. As we often say, God many times uses Hollywood give us clues to what shall be.

May 15, 2009, the Dan Brown suspense thriller, Angels & Demons was released. The film is filled with symbology and truth, however, we only want to focus on a few points here. Here is the scene where the God Particle has been found and stolen.

Tom Hanks aka Robert Langdon quotes an ancient Illuminati writing, "Vatican city will be consumed by light." I thought, how prophetic, as I remembered the verse in 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 "For the mystery of iniquity...shall be revealed...and shall be destroyed by the brightness of His coming."

In this film, the Pope dies about 14 days before the God Particle is discovered. He is actually poisoned (murdered) by his adopted son. In the film there is scandal, conspiracy and a major power struggle at the Vatican; much like today.

Eye see the announcement regarding the God Particle as further confirmation that an event regarding the removal of the Pope will take place soon.


Over $10 billion dollars was spent to build the LHC=Large Haldron Collider at CERN. Have you ever heard of CERN? The European Organization for Nuclear Research, known as CERN, is the world's largest particle physics laboratory, situated in the northwest suburbs of Geneva on the Franco Swiss border, established in 1954. CERN's main function is to provide the particle accelerators and other infrastructure needed for high-energy physics research.

What is the Large Hadron Collider? The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a gigantic scientific instrument near Geneva, where it spans the border between Switzerland and France about 100 m underground. It is a particle accelerator used by physicists to study the smallest known particles - the fundamental building blocks of all things. It will revolutionize our understanding, from the minuscule world deep within atoms to the vastness of the Universe. This is the machine that smashes atom and shoots particle beam at the speed of light. This machine and research is controlled by the Illuminati, the Rothschild's and others.


July 24, 2008, we prophesied about this technology and what it would be used for in a message called, "Lions Gate." At that point, we had never heard of CERN or the LHC. 2 months later, the word was validated as they conducted their first experiment.

About a month after the prophetic word went forth, we saw a photo of the LHC. I immediately knew it was being used for more than what they were telling the public. Eye saw that this was also a star-gate and that their plans were to bring in evil entities. This bizarre intuition and knowingness was later confirmed by others. We were instructed to pray and decree that their plans would fail.

September 17, 2008, they conducted their experiment. The LHC overheated and blew out some transformers, it went off line for some time. It failed several more times over the months after many repairs also.

If you have seen the movie "Star Gate," you will be able to see the similarities in this technology.

The question I now have is: If they have found the God Particle, have they also been able to release those in the 4th dimension and in other star systems that are not peaceful entities?

Ok, you still want to believe that they are just conducting harmless scientific experiments that have no negative or occultic attachments, eh? After Spirit began to alert us about CERN in 2008, we did some research that gave us more confirmation. In December 2009, we shared a message, "Are You Awake Yet?" We shared some of the information in this blog, images and this very interesting image below.

Concerns about CERN: The symbol that CERN uses as a logo and also on the LHC - Star Gate is 666. It is cleverly concealed, can you see what Eye see? Do you think this is coincidence?

The high technology of science may be in the hands of evil men now, and they intend to use it for evil; but that's going to change. Carnal humans partaking of the tree of technology that's used for good and evil, will only be their demise. Humans trying to become Gods and create as God apart from knowing SOURCE can only lead to self destruction.

I found the God Particle, it is in me; the Christ in me, the glory. It is also in you. It is deep within the pineal gland, the ancestral cell; it has the complete record of the universe, past, present and future. It is the key to all power and knowledge; the star-gate to the multi-verse. "If your Eye be single (healthy), your whole body shall be filled with light."

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